台灣凱羅健康協會近期活動榮刊於世界脊醫聯盟 2016 六月份期刊封面故事

 台灣凱羅健康協會積極從事國際公益活動,近期活動刊載於 2016 / 六月份世界脊醫組織聯盟 ( World Fereration of Chiropractic ) 期刊封面故事。


Dedicated Taiwanese
Chiropractors on a Mission.

A team of dedicated chiropractors has recently
returned from a mission trip to care for rural
populations in the South-East Asian nation of
Members of the Taiwan Chiropractic Doctors' Society ( TDCS )
recently completed the latest in a series of interdisciplinary
medical volunteer trips to Cambodia.
This group, which included medical doctors, nurses, dentists and
physical therapists as well as chiropractors spent a week
delivering essential integrated care to the people of Cambodia.
Despite significant improvements in the health status of its
population, Cambodia remains a WHO-classified low income
country and continues to suffer inequities in health coverage
between its urban and rural areas.
There are 19 UN resident agencies in Cambodia, forming the UN
Country Team ( UNCT ). WHO is one of the largest and along with
UNICEF plays a lead role in health. In line with UN reform efforts,
agencies are working to better co-ordinate their support through
the UN Development Assistance Framework ( UNDAF ), 2011-
2015, whereas the new UNDAF 2016-2018 roll-out is currently
TCDS will be hosting its next trip to Cambodia August 1-8,2016.
Secretary-General Dr Hsuan Pin Chang said: "We still
have availability for any chiropractors wishing to join us.
Volunteers will need to pay their own flights, but
accommodation, meals, travel and sightseeing are sponsored by
a Taiwanese company in Cambodia. We shall also be visiting the
famous temple complex at Ankor Wat."
Anyone interested in joining the TCDS mission to Cambodia
should contact Dr Chang at: .
Meanwhile, in Taiwan itself, TCDS members have been involved
in a number of national sports events, most recently at the 2016
Asian Squash Championship, which took place May 11-15.
Fourteen countries took part in the championships. TCDS
members Dr Jackie Huang and Dr Patrick Lin worked throughout
the championships over the course of 5 days.
Dr Huang commented: "This was an extremely successful event
for chiropractic in Taiwan. I hope that chiropractic care can be
provided to athletes at future sporting events. These include
the next Universiade in Taiwan in 2017."
Despite efforts made by the WFC and other international
organizations, chiropractic is still not officially recognized by the
Taiwanese government. Similarly, Taiwan is not recognized by
WHO . However, the WFC was pleased to welcome delegates
from TCDS to the World Health Assembly in Geneva,
Switzerland, where the Taiwanese Minister of Health was in
attendance as an observer.